5 Things to Kick-start your 2022

1. Get a Journal
This cannot be stressed enough. If you haven’t already, invest in a yearly journal. Doesn’t matter if it’s small or big or blank or ruled, colorful or B/W. GET YOURSELF A JOURNAL! The use of the journal will be mentioned in the coming lines.
If possible have these in your journal -
a. A year Calendar at a glance
b. A habit Tracker.
2. Make small Goals
Now, this is where the habit tracker of your journal comes in handy.
The key to achieving consistency is not to work on big goals for a small-time but to work and achieve small goals for long periods of time. Many people may be skeptical in this approach, but here is the thing -
Have you ever succeeded in completing the entire syllabus in just 1 day and got a great score in a decently difficult exam? — NO.
The only way is to set small and achievable goals that will lead to eventual success.
Eg- instead of going to the gym everyday.
Plan — I will put on my gym shoes and enter the gym. You can just leave in 2 mins or one after entering but your goal should not be to spend 2 hrs in the gym every day but instead to just enter the gym. Eventually, you will start doing that 2 hrs without having to force yourself which would have lasted only for a short span of time
3. Start Working Out
Now I can’t stress this enough, but if you want to achieve anything in life, going to the gym will really help that.
Not only will it improve your health, which will help you to increase your life expectancy, but it also tests your focus and determination and you will see that if you don't give up in the gym, you will eventually start not giving up on various other aspects of your life too.
4. Talk to People
Almost anyone who is successful in any field in life has this in common- Luck
What is luck?
Many might disagree but luck is being AT THE RIGHT PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME WITH THE RIGHT PEOPLE.
Now we will come to the first two parts later in the upcoming blogs. But the third part of luck — the right people is a necessity for anyone.
No one has ever made it without being with the right people i.e., having a good network. Try to talk to one new person every day.
If this seems hard try to talk to at least a new person every week. I know this may seem hard at first, but if you don’t have the network, you won’t have the benefits it brings.
5. Read Books
If you get this right there is no stopping you. If you want to read non-fiction books but you just can’t, start with biographies and autobiographies and then eventually step into self-development books, but START READING!!!